1. Feng Shui -- The driving principle behind this Eastern philosophy is to create harmony and balance between an individual and his or her environment. Good feng shui invites prosperity and brings an overall sense of well-being into your space. From the front door to the bathroom, small changes to color, decor, and furniture arrangement are believed to promote health, wealth, happiness, and good energy.
2. The KonMari Method -- Famed Japanese organizer Marie Kondo promises that you can drastically improve your life by tidying up. In her book, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing," she explains a two-step approach. First, you take all of your possessions and lay them out categorically (clothes first and sentimental pieces last). Then, you hold each item in your hand and decide whether or not it brings you joy. If it doesn't, you let it go.
3. The 90/90 Rule (Minimalism) -- This home organization concept also relies on a two-part process. When implementing the 90/90 rule, assess each belonging based on two simple questions: Have I used it within the last 90 days, and will I use it in the next 90 days? If not, it's time to say goodbye.